The Vril Society

We as skeptical beings can never take one source as definite truth, therefore I have applied this notion to the webpages I have authored. I will cite multiple sources and links and make no definite conclusions. That is for you to determine. I would encourage that you do your own research and forward me the information, so that I may update or alter existing content. I do not agree with any or all of the content, I only provide the different sources of informations to study from. You make up your mind, and don't just read one side of the story, read all of the information as a skeptic or scientist and draw conclusions based on what can be substantiated. After all that is part of the goal not to censor or edit out information, read it all then decide!

Some different sources.


Wikipedia's description of the Vril Society

The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the Realization of the Great Work from Conspiracy Archive

Crystallinks' link on the Vril Society

The Haushofer Connection

Indepth look at the German secret society known as Vril. from

Secret Societies The Power of Vril from

Hitler and the Secret Societies

The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult

Historical Time Line of Nazi based secret societies.

Hitler and the Himalayas The SS Mission to Tibet 1938-39

The Black Sun with relevence to the Vril Society

Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Hitler: The Not-fully-explained Rise of Evil

Who Financed Hitler

The Nazi UFO Secret

Nazi Cult Beliefs